'qconf'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2012.12.24 [sge] queue management in SGE
  2. 2012.12.24 [sge] sge queue 그룹 관리
create queue
> qconf -aq [queue_name]

delete queue
> qconf -dq [queue_name]

manage queue
> qconf -mq [queue_name]

list queue
> qconf -sql

create parallel environment
> qconf -ap [pe-name]

delete parallel environment
> qconf -dp [pe-name]

manage parallel environment
> qconf -mp [pe-name]

list parallel environment
> qconf -spl

create host_list
> qconf -ah [host_list_name]

* create host_list
The default hostgroup is called @allhosts. To create a new hostgroup use the qconf -Ahgrp file_name command where the configuration file file_name has the structure described in man hostgroup.

> cat merlin0809.hgrp
group_name @merlin0809
hostlist merlin08 merlin09

>qconf -Ahgrp merlin0809.hgrp
added "@merlin0809" to host group list

> qconf -shgrpl

> qconf -shgrp @merlin0809
group_name @merlin0809
hostlist merlin08 merlin09

The host groups are stored in the directory $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/spool/qmaster/hostgroups, e.g.:
> cat /opt/gridengine/default/spool/qmaster/hostgroups/@merlin0809
# Version: GE 6.0u7
group_name @merlin0809
hostlist merlin08 merlin09

delete host_list
> qconf -dh [host_list_name]

manage host_list
> qconf -mhgrp [host_list_name]

list host_list
> qconf -shgrpl

list hosts in host_list
> qconf -shgrp [host_list_name]


Posted by 옥탑방람보

1. queue 그룹 생성

    $> qconf -aq rloa.q  #생성

    $> qconf -mq rloa.q  #관리

2. hosts 그룹 생성

    $> qconf -ahgrp @rloahosts # 생성 (반드시 hostanme 앞에는 @ 가 있어야 한다)

    $> qconf -mhgrp @rloahosts # 수정

      group_name @rloahosts

      hostslist  hostname-0-0.local hostname-0-1.local hostname-0-2.local

    $> qconf -shgrp @rloahosts # 보기

    $> qconf -mq rloa.q             # 반영

      hostlist            @rloahosts

3. user 그룹 생성

    $> qconf -am rloausers # 생성

    $> qconf -mu rloausers # 수정

      name rloausers

      type ACL DEPT

      fshare 0

      oticket 0

      entries userid1,userid2,userid3

    $> qconf -mq rloa.q       # 반영

       user_lists       rloausers

Posted by 옥탑방람보