'hotspotter'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.12.13 [hotspotter] hotspotter-1.2.1 설치

1. Boost : www.boost.org
If you do not have Boost, it is fairly easy to install it. Just download source package and unpack it somewhere. No compilation is necessary. Define environmental variable BOOST to the path to the Boost base directory. i.e, all the Boost header files should be accessible at $BOOST/boost.

2. GSL : GNU Scientific Library
Version 1.0 or later is required (The lastest version, currently 1.3, is recommended. It is fee so there is no reason not to upgrade). You should have script gsl-config on your PATH. Try the command

> gsl-config --version

to make sure you have the right version of GSL installed.

> tar xvf hotspotter-1.2.1.tar.gz
> cd hotspotter-1.0
> env BOOST=/path/to/boost make     (/usr/include/boost)

그냥 위와 같이 하면 에러가 발생한다.
 소스에 기본적으로 2가지 에러가 있다.
1. hotspotter/mll/stat/cfunc.hpp  파일에 오타가 있다. 211번째 라인에 있는 endl 을 end 로 변경해주어야 한다.
2. hostpotter/src/minim1D.hpp 파일에 헤더가 하나 빠져 있다.  include assert.h 를 해주어야 한다.

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